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Nerian karmin2 + scenescan pro ros node integration to orb-slam2

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2020 8:07 am
by pine

I'm trying to get nerian karmin2 + scenescan pro image stream to work with orb-slam2. When I try to run it, I receive message "waiting for images..."

I'm using your nerian_stereo rosnode with default settings (UDP). Nerian_stereo ROS-node is up and running fine. I can see both left and right recrified images when calling the image messages /nerian_stereo/left_image or right_image. Orb-slam2 is also working fine with karmin2 images when I use images that I have collected beforehand. Additionally, orb-slam2 is running well with other cameras I have tried but those are usb3 connected cameras and not with ethernet connection. Just wondering if there is some known tricks to get it running?

Re: Nerian karmin2 + scenescan pro ros node integration to orb-slam2

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2020 9:02 am
by k.schauwecker
Unfortunately I don't have experience with using orb-slam. My guess would be that either it is not correctly corrected to a message topic, or some topics don't match. I have had a brief look at the ROS wiki and I see that it requires a depth image, but I couldn't find info on the exact message type.

The disparity map from SceneScan is not really a depth image but an inverse depth image. I would guess that they require a depth image with a floating-point pixel format and our disparity map is encoded in an integer format and conversion requires knowledge of the camera calibration.

So I think that some adapter logic is required for connecting the nodes. This could be a small node/nodelet that converts the message types. The easiest way would be to take the 3D point cloud and copy only the Z channel to a separate image. Alternatively the Reconstruct3D class from our API can be used to convert disparity maps to point-clouds.

I hope that helps.


Re: Nerian karmin2 + scenescan pro ros node integration to orb-slam2

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2020 2:32 pm
by pine
Thank you for your reply! Indeed when using orb-slam2 with RGB-D mode it requires depth images. However, I'm running stereo mode and it only requires recrified stereo images and those I'm getting from scenescan pro. I end up reinstalling everything and now it is running correctly. It was probably related to some incorrect ros installation.

I might try RGB-D mode later on and your tips were very valuable for that, thank you.