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Nerian node crash

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2020 3:25 pm
by alano

I am having some issues with ROS Nerian node using nerian_stereo package in my application. I have a package that listen the topic /nerian_stereo/pointcloud and when I start both packages (nerian_stereo and my package) at the same time, nerian_node starts but crash soon afterward, preventing its proper use. This problem is intermittent and could be my application problem but after some tests I realized that its occurs in different situations even when I run only the nerian node and try to listen the publication from /nerian_stereo/pointcloud topic using the ros echo command. Sometimes it just crash the node even though my application are not running, in this case it happen much less frequently than when I try to read from my application but yet happens.
I realize too that the problem only occurs when I try to listen this topic. When the crash happen I receive the follow message:


Obs: I tested using other topics like /nerian_stereo/left_image and I only got the error using pointcloud topic. I would like to know if there is some orientation about this error or procedure that could help me.

Using nerian_stereo 3.8.1 and firmware 7.1.2

Re: Nerian node crash

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2020 3:43 pm
by k.schauwecker
What system are you running the node on?

For the 3D pointcloud projection there is an AVX2 and SSE4 optimized version. Our binary packages from the ROS build server should be built with SSE4 support. If you run the package on a platform without SSE4 support such a crash would be expected.

Could you have a look at /proc/cpuinfo? If sse4_1 is not listed in the flags, then SSE4 is not available. In that case you would need to build the node from sources locally. If SSE4 is not available on the build system the node will be built without it automatically.


Re: Nerian node crash

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2021 3:00 pm
by alano
Thank you for the answer and sorry to the late reply but we couldn't test before, I am running on Ubuntu 19.04 (Disco Dingo) and ROS melodic. I verified on /proc/cpuinfo and could find the sse4_1 flag so I assume that SSE4 support is available, however the described problem still persist. There are some other known possibilities for it has this kind of behavior ?

Re: Nerian node crash

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2021 3:24 pm
by k.schauwecker
It might be a version issue. Could you check which versions of the node and which firmware version you have installed on SceneScan?

Re: Nerian node crash

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2021 4:51 pm
by alano
We are using nerian_stereo 3.8.1 and firmware 7.1.2

Re: Nerian node crash

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2021 8:55 am
by k.schauwecker
These versions should work well together. Are you able to provide a backtrace? If you are launching the node through a launch file you could do this:

Code: Select all

	<arg name="launchPrefix" value="gdb -ex run -ex bt \-\-args" />
	<node pkg="nerian_stereo" type="nerian_stereo_node" name="node_name" output="screen" launch-prefix="$(arg launchPrefix)">
		... your parameters ...
Also, can you provide your SceneScan and node configuration so we can replicate your setup?

Re: Nerian node crash

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2021 1:48 pm
by k.schauwecker
Hi Alano, did you ever make any progress on this issue?