libvisiontransfer  10.6.0
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 CAlignedAllocatorSTL-compatible allocator for memory-aligned allocations
 CBitConversionsVarious implementations for converting from 12-bit to 16-bit per pixels formats
 CClientSideDataChannelIMUBNO080Encapsulated receiver with ring buffers for IMU / environment sensor data
 CConversionHelpersInternal helper functions for type conversion
 CDataBlockProtocolA protocol for transmitting large blocks of data over a network
 CDataChannelBase class all data channel services derive from (once on the server side, once on the API side)
 CTypesKnown data channel service types, not all may be active on a specific device
 CDataChannelControlCommandsCommands understood on DataChannelService channel 0 (control)
 CDataChannelControlUtilInternal helpers for packing and unpacking channel 0 service messages
 CDataChannelIMUBNO080CommandsCommands to control the IMU/environmental sensor and its data reporting
 CDataChannelIMUBNO080UtilHelper functions for IMU control messages
 CDataChannelInfoAPI-level data channel info for advertisements and subscription accounting
 CDataChannelMessageHeaderTransport-level DataChannel header
 CDataChannelServiceBaseBase class for the data service (background sending and receiving, dispatching to channels)
 CInternalInformationInformation that is required internally by different program parts
 CNetworkingA collection of helper functions for implementing network communication
 CParameterSerializationThis is the common [de]serialization filter for all of nvparam's external network protocols
 CParameterTransferAllows a configuration of device parameters over the network
 CAsyncTransferClass for asynchronous transfer of image sets
 CDeviceEnumerationAllows for the discovery of devices in the network
 CDeviceInfoAggregates information about a discovered device
 CDeviceParametersAllows for configuration of the parameters of a Nerian stereo device through a network connection
 CDeviceStatusRepresentation of the current device status / health. Useful for addressing issues with peripherals or network transport
 CImageProtocolA lightweight protocol for transferring image sets
 CImageSetA set of one to three images, but usually two (the left camera image and the disparity map). One- and three-image modes can be enabled in the device configuration interface
 CImageTransferClass for synchronous transfer of image sets
 CParameterExceptionException class that is used for all parameter-related exceptions
 CProtocolExceptionException class that is used for all protocol exceptions
 CReconstruct3DTransforms a disparity map into a set of 3D points
 CSensorRecordBase class for sensor records with timestamp and status (reliability) fields
 CTimestampedQuaternionEncapsulate a 4D (quaternion) sensor report, containing X, Y, Z, W, as well as timestamp and status fields and measurement accuracy
 CTimestampedScalarEncapsulate a scalar sensor measurement, containing the value, as well as timestamp and status fields
 CTimestampedVectorEncapsulate a 3D sensor report, containing X, Y, Z, as well as timestamp and status fields
 CTransferExceptionException class that is used for all transfer exceptions
Allied Vision